Sunday, March 14, 2010

Small town values with downtown preferences...

I'm sad.  But oh so glad.  So very sad though.  We cannot wait until my parents can retire and sell the motel.  Yes, the motel.  The small family business that managed to put five kids through college.  Alas, it was not without the diligence of my parents.  As much as I want to sell the motel, it is also the one place I call home and not one day in the thirty years my parents nourished it has it ever failed to be just that--my home.  I love the smells, the look, the memories, the random carts, the tool shed, the old motel signs, and the peace of mind it brings.   I won't get too sentimental yet...I'll save that post for the day we close on its sale.  For now, though, I bring you a few slideshows of San Angelo, TX, the West Texas town that I will always call home.  Although Atlanta and Houston have turned this small town girl into a metropolitan snob, San Angelo will always be at my core. 

If you just want to see the pics, just press play.  There are some captions, and the best way to read those is to click on the picture (not on the play).  You will be directed to my Picasa web albums. 


  1. Mamta i love these! it was great to go thru them and i know you will be glad you have them. good luck to your family in this next phase!

  2. where to start! how did you know how to get to holy angels? that always seemed like such a far-away place. and the pics of home make me miss home!! whereas the pics of downtown look completely different! we spent hours playing in and around those bldgs and they def didn't look like that! and i never would have expected you to remember picking pecans--it was def around your bday. i distinctly remember b/c i was always jealous about that :)
    And i didn't remember #6,7 until your comment. hands down my favorite blog entry.

  3. I know--it was so much fun. You should come around with me next round. Bhik actually drove (hence the Holy Angels. It really is amazing how much he remembers. Yup--pecans was one of my favorite things. Gosh, I loved playing downtown. I always thought it was #7 and 8 but Bhik and his impeccable memory (selective memory) corrected me. It was just way too much fun to do this entry.

  4. Thanks Barbara! I love that you read the blog:) Or read it at least once!

  5. I cried so hard the day that I heard that my uncle closed the restaurant... It is such a big part of my childhood, and I couldnt believe that it was "gone". ... Now your parents are selling the motel. Wow. We sure have grown up, haven't we?
