Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I need one of my own...

My nephew is adorable.  Even with the screams of sheer distaste in not being picked up by someone while in his car seat (despite the law).  He is joyous and happy.  His smile radiates.  His fussiness forgiven.  I love him.  Plain and simple.  I love him.  He has bits of my sister, namely the eyes and the love for television (I'm a map...I'm a map...).  Itty bitty bits of his dad shine through, mostly in his love for the outdoors.  He is, without a doubt, my favorite Clint in this whole wide world.  Here he is at 5 months, with two front-bottom teeth, progression to solids, and wild attempts at trying to lift himself into the crawl.


  1. He is a CUTE CUTE Cutie Pie! ... and yes, you do need one of your own! :)

  2. Look at that smile! Too adorable!

  3. 'favorite clint in the whole world??" nope, that line's mine and smita's from literally ten years ago.
