Thursday, February 23, 2012

My new job...

So it's nearing the end of my second week of my new job and I can't tell you enough how liberating it is to be your own manager.  I  mean-it's not like I am the President or anything.  I answer to people but no one checks in on me and no one wants a daily update or anything.  No one really manages my tasks, so to speak.  Finally, I am doing something that uses my greatest talents: organization, self-motivation, and public relations.

I started my job at NASA Headquarters in downtown D.C. managing a project called Women@NASA and all of its subsidiaries.  And the social media manager for the Agency left last week so they want me to start taking up some of that void.  I can't believe lil' ol me who avoided Twitter for oh-so-long and started a blog one sleepless night (about hair, no less) is now managing social media for her very own project...

Follow me @WomenNASA.

Never thought I would say that...


  1. Awesome! I love social media. If only I got paid for all the time I spend on blogs, facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram...

  2. Exactly Reyes! I mean-I get paid to do this. It's amazing. Speaking of...I am working on getting Pinterest approved with NASA...they are already a part of so many social media things like Foursquare and the main ones. Any other thoughts on what is groundbreaking that Women@NASA could be a part of?

  3. Seems like you have the main things covered. Twitter is probably the most relevant. Just try to build a good network by following other science/space/women-in-science type twitter streams. They may follow you back. And tweet and blog often. Pinterest is huge right now. It is the number one driver of most blog traffic (by far)... but it is very visually oriented, so you need nice photos to pin.
