Thursday, May 13, 2010

Two Things...

I love learning...
I do.  So long as I get to choose the topic.  And, recently, the topic has been photography.  If you follow my blog, you know I took baby pictures for Jatin (pronounced Jay-tin and not Ju-tin) recently.  Now, I have posted pictures from a nighttime photography class I took.  I wasn't wholly impressed with myself, but it was fun!

I love my family...
I have never realized just how thankful I am to be a part of a group of seven people who sincerely live relaxed lives, rarely get offended, often offer a helping hand, don't require formalities, and love unconditionally.  Gosh. I should say this so much more often.  Even if those same seven people roll their eyes at this post (if they even read it!!!) or call me out on the cheesiness that I am.  I should say it more often.