Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fiji Bound...

Slowly but surely. Of course it has already been eventful in small ways but we finally made it to the airport in DC (many thanks to Doug for a relaxed start to the journey, allowing enough time for a solid breakfast), finished our 5.5 hour flight to LA, and are halfway through a 9 hour layover in the ridiculously sub-par LAX. For instance, Wifi. Seriously-who doesn't have wifi in one of the States' major airports!?!?!? Then, ironically, the weather map showed an entirely clear country except for a lime green splash of color all over California. And by lime green splash, I mean thunderstorms all up in this mug. I thought Cali weather was enviable? Needless to say, we have self-entertained for the last 6 hours in the terminal using our fab gift a la the Clarkes. Teamed up with my brother's gift of noise reducing headphones and movies on the iPad, we have made it to within two hours of the much anticipated start of our three month honeymoon. No real complaints here!

Here's my man using up the last bit of technology before leaving the States.

Next up: Stop number 1. We will be back with a big BULA! from Nadi, Fiji.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad